If you are not able to make it to this event, please notify us immediately. To notify us, please respond to this email ( with your name, and confirmation you will not be able to attend.

Ground Rules

Before entering, please be sure to review the event ground rules:


On October 12, 2021, at Noon CT through October 14, 2021, at 5 p.m. CT, entries will be open through Note: you will not be able to enter the event prior to October 12th at Noon CT.

To enter, you will:

  1. Login to the (you need to make sure you use the same login that you use for your WCRA login)

2. Select “WRWC …(and your leaderboard rank)”

  • Top 30 Leaderboard athletes, select event-WRWC Top 30 Barrels-Bkwy- TR
  • Outside top 30 leaderboard athletes, select event-WRWC Outside Top 30 Barrels-Bkwy- TR
  • Open entries, select event-WRWC Open Barrels-Bkwy-TR
    • All athletes will be able to view the open entry Option and all athletes will be eligible enter the open. Only entry permitted per disciplines permitted for the entire event.

3. Follow the step-by-step entry

Once your entry is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not enter the event by October 12, 2021, at Noon CT, the Women’s Rodeo World Championship will assume you are not planning to compete and will proceed to fill the position.

Turn Outs

Make sure to review the ground rules for the turn-out policies prior to entering.

Athlete Information Packet

All entered athletes will receive an athlete packet on Friday, October 15th once all entered athletes are confirmed. The packet will include information, a detailed event schedule, check-in times/locations, and round one of the competition order.

If you have not already made hotel or stalls reservations, please do before the upcoming deadlines.

Team Ropers:

Team ropers and Breakaway ropers- The competition will start behind a rope barrier and will be timed by handheld plungers from the PBR Scoring System.

Your pairing has already been confirmed and is listed here:

Please skip over the section of confirming your partner when entering. Note: When entering, it will show all headers and heelers can enter twice, this is so both of you can submit your entry. All athletes are limited to one entry per discipline for the event.

Stall Reservations:

South Point Arena

  • Stall Rental – $250/stall for the week – RESERVE HERE
  • Includes 2 stall mats and 4 bags of shavings
  • Shared Tack Stall – 1 per one row of 8 stalls
  • No Day Rental stalls
  • Reservation deadline – Oct 18th

Hotel Reservations:

South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa – WRWC Hotel block – RESERVE HERE

  • Rates – Sunday-Thursday $65++ // Friday-Saturday $115++
  • Resort Fee $14/night
  • Tax rate 13%
  • Reservation deadline extended until- Tuesday, October 12th 5 pm PT
  • Rate Code – WOM1103

For questions or clarification, please email